Saturday, October 25, 2008

pointing the finger

Under pressure from my more loquacious blog-mates, I've "decided" to make my contribution.

My roommates are a suspicious bunch. Just the other week Andy accused us of planting women's clothing in his recently washed laundry. After about forty minutes of deliberation and many attacks on the characters of our mothers, I realized that an email had gone around about laundry stolen from the laundry room - the clothes almost certainly belonged to our RA.

Lessons learned:
  1. Since abandoning his laptop, Andy has become significantly more insulated.
  2. Before accusation consider situation - the evidence may point to you.
  3. Our RA owns a blue striped tank-top.
Science writing and Bill Titus have worn away at my means of expression.

Next time on Mountain Man:
BREAKING NEWS: K. P. might buy a cell phone (!)
The fate of Hubert
Class of 2010: the GoldenEye rennaissance.

"God, it's so gratifying"
-J. F.


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